Mittwoch, 08.05.2024 02:56 Uhr

The New Apostolic Constitution by Pope Francis

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 23.05.2023, 22:11 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 7180x gelesen

Rome [ENA] A volume by Stefano Rossano entitled: "Praedicate Evangelium" with reports by Prof. Antonello Blasi of the Pontifical Lateran University and by the distinguished canonist Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio was presented on May 18, 2023 at the Italian Chamber of Deputies. The book, as the title suggests, deals with the apostolic constitution by which Pope Francis decreed the reform of the Roman Curia and its mission in

the world. The volume's preface is by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Legislative Texts. The event has been sponsored by the Honorable Nicola Carè and by the president of the Brutium Association, Gemma Gesualdi. Numerous stimuli were given by the author and the distinguished scholars who spoke on the apostolic constitution "Praedicate Evangelium," which represents, undoubtedly, one of the highlights of the path considered "revolutionary" by Pope Francis. Published on March 19, 2022, the "Constitution" came into force on June 5 of the same year and is a constitution with a missionary 'vocation' and also the synodal 'style' of the Roman Curia are well highlighted as the cornerstones of the reform.

The title "Praedicate Evangelium" means "Preach the Gospel" and indicates the importance the Pope attaches to the Church's evangelizing mission. In particular, the apostolic constitution stresses the importance of adopting a missionary approach in the life of the Church and being present in the places where people live, work and suffer. The apostolic constitution also introduces a number of changes in the organization of the Roman Curia, with the aim of making the Church's administrative apparatus more efficient, accountable and transparent.

The Curia is at the service of the Pontiff and the bishops. Among the changes introduced are the creation of a dicastery for evangelization, the merger of some existing dicasteries, and the creation of a new office for the management of the Church's patrimony. The author pays particular attention to the Economic Dicasteries and, in particular from this study, the importance of the Secretariat of State relating to nations, diplomacy, Eastern Churches, Judaism, and Islam emerges.

In addition, Pope Francis' Document calls on the Church to face current challenges, such as the migration crisis, poverty and insecurity, and to be close to people who suffer, especially the poor, the sick and the most vulnerable. The presence of the Ambassadors to the Holy See of Bulgaria, Bogdan Patashev; of Japan, Akira Chiba; Doina Cajvaneanu, minister-counselor of the Embassy of Romania; and Imam of the Rome Mosque Nader Akkad was particularly significant.

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